EHL Jubilee magazine 30 Years

Interview: Stefan Wernhart

R emained down to earth – that is the managing di- rector of EHL Gewerbeimmobilien GmbH. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he and his team were recently able to realise by far the largest deal on the Vienna office market and why the team he leads, con- sisting of 14 office, retail and logistics specialists, is al- ways at the top of Immobilien Magazin's property bro- ker ranking. Although, Stefan Wernhart is not merely concerned with the quantity, but rather with the qual- ity. "If the quality of our service is right, the quantity follows suit. Nobody in our team cares about making a fast buck, or quick business. We want to maintain sustainable, long-term business relationships with our clients”, he says, and the com- pany’s constant growth shows that this is working out perfectly. In any case, Stefan Wernhart likes to plan for the long term. He has been part of the EHL for a decade and a half now and can hardly imagine any- thing else at the moment: "We experience an incred- ibly strong sense of togetherness here at EHL, based

"If the quality is right, the quantity will come by itself," says Wernhart

Trust must be earned through honest communica- tion, competent advice and commitment.


on a long-term approach and loyalty." The "owner-man- aged" factor is one of the building blocks of success for Stefan Wernhart: “Michael Ehlmaier is not only our brand ambassador, he is also a people's person in the best sense of the word.” His personal values embody the corporate culture of EHL: Trustworthiness, commit- ment, fairness and customer orientation in every re- spect." Fluctuation in the team is accordingly low and this, of course, ultimately benefits the customers, who can rely on this continuity and long-term build-up of expertise and trust. After all, brokers are also persons of trust once they have worked together for a certain length of time and with a certain intensity - and EHL is probably one of the record holders in terms of regular customers. "You have to earn and continuously optimise the trust of your clients through honest communication, compe- tent advice and maximum commitment," says Stefan Wernhart. Sometimes customer relationships even lead to personal friendships. "Speaking the language of our clients, also being able to empathise with their values, aims and objectives on a very personal level set us apart

30 YEARS I Jubilee


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