First Vienna Residential Market Report 2024

Attractive prime location

RAY, Gumpendorfer Straße 60 / EHL


Mecca of urban diversity

Mariahilf is an attractive part of the city with historical build- ings in excellent condition together with the many quaint streets and parks as well as Austria’s largest and best-known shopping strip, Mariahilfer Straße. Its excellent location plays a crucial role in the Sixth District’s attractiveness – everything you could possibly want in a city can be found within walking distance from here in the midst of the city between Naschmarkt to the south and Mariahilfer Straße to the north. There is everything from major clothing chains and many smaller boutiques to a plethora of bistros, coffee bars, and trendy bakeries vying for customers with premium-priced baked goods. Thanks to its elegant flair coupled with alternative chic, Mariahilf is an extremely popular residential area, especially amongst students and young people.

such as on Otto-Bauer-Gasse and at Esterházypark have greatly added to quality of life and therefore added value in the district. Mariahilf‘s excellent public transport connections are also worth mentioning. Residents already have access to four metro lines, which are set to turn into five soon with the expansion of the U2/ U5 line currently under construction. Like Margareten, the dense development in the Sixth District only leaves a small amount of space available for new construction pro- jects that developers mainly use for loft conversions or small but high-quality new building projects. Housing prices reflect the low supply of new apartments combined with the attractive location. The parts of the district close to the centre are in especially high demand, as are the locations along the popular Gumpendorfer Straße. Current projects are currently underway at Mollardgasse 14, Millergasse 34, and Haydngasse 14.

The many reconstruction and revitalisation projects underway in the Sixth District have also had their effect. Redesign projects

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