EHL Sustainability Report 2023

EHL and Society


Team building events

Outings, festivities and events are a fixed part of our corporate culture. Our employ- ees can see themselves as parts of a strong community and get to know their colleagues better outside the office. This promotes co- operation and communication in the entire team and creates the basis for a responsive and healthy working climate throughout the entire company.

In 2023, EHL once again organised a variety of events and celebrations for the EHL team. In February, a joint curling event took place at the Vienna Ice Skating Club, accompanied by steaming punch and delicious chestnuts. From accurate shooting to amusing mo- ments including oops-moments on the ice - it was a real highlight for the EHL team. At the beginning of April, EHL Investment Consulting Managing Director Markus Mendel celebrated his 40 th birthday at the SKYBAR Vienna and some EHL colleagues were able to toast with Markus above the rooftops of Vienna.

The traditional Copa Real, the football cup of the Austrian property industry, also took place in April. The EHL team achieved a solid 7 th place. In September, the sporty colleagues took part in the ERSTE BANK Night Run and achieved impressive best times. This high-energy event not only promoted fitness and team spirit, but also cohesion within the EHL team.

On the EHL Wohnen team‘s climbing day in October, the group ventured to new heights together and overcame the challenges of climbing. This activity not only strengthened team bonding, but also trust and cohesion among colleagues. In addition, four joint celebrations were held over the course of the year to mark birth- days, company anniversaries, graduations, weddings and births in the courtyard of the EHL office location.

A final highlight of the year was the Christ- mas party at the Limón rooftop restaurant in the Hotel Grand Ferdinand Vienna, which brought the year to a wonderful close with a festive atmosphere and shared joy.


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