EHL Sustainability Report 2023

EHL and Sustainability


Climate Action The minimisation of greenhouse gas emis- sions, clean energy and more resistant communities and ecosystems are urgently required. Our answer is focused on more sustainable properties, ESG-compatible management and decarbonisation. The construction and operation of all properties in Europe are responsible for roughly 40 % of total energy consumption and nearly 36 % of CO2 emissions in the EU – and here, the potential for savings is enormous. EHL’s real estate experts are experienced in all areas of the branch. For appraisal, acqui- sition or sale, rental or management as well as project development, we have the right teams. Their expertise and experience guar- antee the best possible advising and support for our customers. Every EHL assignment is based on extensive information with special- ly designed solutions. Traffic is responsible for roughly 20 % of worldwide CO2 emissions and, at EHL, we have also consequently used this as a start- ing point. Our mobility strategy is focused on sustainability. Environmentally friendly travel is supported by several (electric) bicycles and a car pool with six cars which are available for all 80 employees. 23 of our employees use our free annual ticket for the Vienna public transportation system and 4 employees currently use the EHL climate ticket for longer distances.

Partnerships for the Goals

SDG 17 proposes global partnerships to realise the other 16 SDGs. It calls for coop- eration between governments, the private sector, civil society and other players. EHL supports the following organisations and projects, among others, which are focused on SDGs 1-4 and 6:  Mary’s Meals provides daily school meals for children in the world’s poorest countries  CS Caritas Socialis supports and accompanies people with its care and assistance offerings  LIFE+ supports HIV-positive people and people suffering from AIDS  KURIER Aid Austria Lernhaus supports educationally disadvantaged children and young people  The Austrian Red Cross is committed to helping people in emergency situations and offers humanitarian aid and support in various areas such as disaster relief, health care, social services and social counselling, health care, social services and much more

Responsible Consumption and Production

Environmentally compatible and resource conserv- ing production processes, the reduction of waste and emissions, and support for more sustainable consumption are further important goals. We have examined our internal shopping lists to identify op- portunities for more sustainable procurement – and have already implemented a number of these ideas. For example: EHL purchases organic, alumini- um-free packaged fair trade coffee, whose raw ma- terials can be traced back to the producing organ- isation. Plant-based milk alternatives and organic fruit is also available. (See section 4 for details).

The EHL market reports are published on environ- mentally friendly paper and are no longer shrink wrapped. Our advertising items like pens and USB sticks have been converted to environmentally friendly substitutes which, where possible, are made of domestic beech wood. Plans also call for the changeover of further advertising and printed materials to more environmentally friendly alterna- tives. Customers interested in viewing properties on site receive a digital summary before the appointment, and tablets provide additional information at the location. Pre-printed brochures have been discon- tinued. Digitalised property marketing saves sub- stantial resources, and our customers still receive optimal information. Examples are our 360° online tours and our customer platform for rentals.


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