EHL Sustainability Report 2023

EHL and Sustainability


Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10 aims to reduce inequalities within and among countries. The goal is to achieve inclusive societies throughout the world which guarantee equal opportunity and social equity. The following measures are required to meet this goal: increased income, also for the lower population levels; improved access to basic services and resources for all; zero tol- erance for discrimination based on gender, age, special needs, ethnic origin or financial status. At EHL, we value diversity because it leads to more innovative solutions. We promote a culture of inclusion and equal opportunity so every employee can realise his or her full potential. Applications are evaluated without bias based on know- how. Gender, age, re- ligion, origin, sexual orientation, skin colour or impairment have no influence on the se- lection process . That not only strengthens our corporate culture, but also protects our long-term economic success. Numerous languages are spoken in EHL. This reflects the diversity in our company and also forms the basis for lively intercultur- al communication. We also believe in the importance of ensur- ing the representation of all age groups (< 30, 30 to 50 and > 50) in all hierarchy levels at EHL. That provides an ideal setting for the valuable exchange of experience, perspectives and ideas as well as the devel- opment of a dynamic, innovative corporate culture.

Decent Work and Economic Growth We believe successful economic develop- ment must also include healthy working conditions, fair compensation and social security. Sustainable growth that is not at the cost of human dignity is our benchmark. EHL pursues a stable growth strategy along our defined value pairs “honesty and reliabil- ity“, “decisiveness and results orientation “ and “family and responsibility“. We want to – and intend to – protect our leading position as the best employer with the most satisfied customers on the Austrian market. The independent institution “Great Place to Work“ audited EHL extensively for the first time in 2017. Our holding and all subsidiaries were rated as a “Great Place To Work“. Our Group’s long-term, sustainable attractive- ness has also been objectively confirmed. The ranking was based on written feedback from an anonymised employee online survey that evaluated, among others, the newly structured on-boarding processes, flexible working time rules to support the work-life balance, and the company’s social commit- ment. EHL was again recertified as a “Great Place to Work“ in 2023.

Sustainable Cities and Communities “Making cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable“ is a goal we definitely support. We are also committed to improving living conditions, to the expansion of sustainable mobility, the preservation of our cultural heritage, the provision of affordable housing and attractive public spaces. In order to cover all real estate services na- tionwide, EHL commissioned a total of 426 suppliers in 2023. Our employees checked their suitability beforehand. Especially in smaller communities, we rely on regional businesses located at short distances. That reduces emissions and also protects our customers’ budgets.

Affordable and Clean Energy

Every person has the right to affordable, re- liable and sustainable energy supplies – and we use our many years of experience in the real estate sector to help realise this goal. We support EHL customers in converting to renewable energies and work with them to develop individual solutions that meet their needs and the requirements of the specific building. We also rely on sustainable energy supplies. For example: We use 100 % green electric- ity which comes from renewable energy sources and are also supplied with district heating. .


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