EHL Sustainability Report 2023

About this Report


Our reporting

Stakeholders get a chance to speak

EHL always provides its customers and other interested parties with proactive, detailed and complete in- formation. Our voluntary ESG report also follows this principle. Because we see it as an opportunity to ex- tensively document – and clearly demonstrate – our forward-looking entrepreneurial approach.

An extensive survey of EHL stake- holders1 forms the basis for this report. It allows us to address the concerns of all involved parties and prepare for future decisions. We have assigned our stakeholders to internal and external groups. The groups defined as relevant are: Internal stakeholders: Employees, managers, managing directors External stakeholders: Banks, educational facilities, service providers, customers (commercial properties; investment consulting; real estate appraisal; residential), media/journalists, NGOs and associations

This report was prepared in refer- ence to the internationally recog- nised Global Reporting Initiative 2021. All sustainability-relevant infor- mation and statistics are based on EHL Immobilien GmbH and its subsidiaries for the 2023 financial year (01.01.2023 – 31.12.2023). The data presented in this report was reviewed externally at our request by BDO Assurance GmbH. From now on, we will publish an EHL sustainability report every two years. In the years in which no sustainability report is published, an interim report with all relevant key figures will be published.

1 Stakeholders are persons or groups who/which have an interest in EHL Immobilien GmbH and are influenced by the effects of its actions and decisions..


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