Office Market Report Vienna | Spring 2023

EHL References

Reference projects


Muthgasse 109A woom, the leading children‘s bicycle manufacturer from Austria, rents an innovative office building in timber con- struction at Muthgasse 109 A (approx. 3,300 sqm) as a single tenant. EHL acted in an advisory capacity on both the tenant and landlord side. EHL acted in an advisory capacity on the tenant or landlord side. FRANCIS Psychosoziale Dienste Wien (approx. 3,500 sqm) and the modern medical institute Val- medica Althan GmbH (approx. 1,200 sqm) have decided to rent space in the FRANCIS. Green Worx EHL brokered the Green Worx office and commer- cial building with around 17,000 sqm of usable space, located in a prime location near the Pra- terstern at Walcherstraße 6/Lasallestraße 7A, to ARE Austrian Real Estate. art&garden EHL brokered the sale of the mixed-use building en- semble with 10,700 sqm of usable space, located in the Karmeliterviertel district, to the real estate asset and investment manager GalCap Europe.

Erdberger Lände 40-48 EHL brokered the fully let office building on Erdberger Lände with around 18,200 sqm of space and 220 par- king spaces to Art-Invest Real Estate.



10,700 sqm Family Office

18,200 sqm




U6 Center EHL brokered the sale of the U6 Center with a total lettable area of almost 25,000 sqm from West- core Europe to a private investor.



17,000 sqm

25,000 sqm



Union Investment

Westcore Europe


HOHO Vienna Through EHL, cbs Unterneh- mensberatung Austria and Coworking Center have decided to rent the stri- king wooden high-rise HOHO Vienna. others, have chosen to rent in the spectacular new building project Vio Plaza. EHL acted in an advisory capacity on the tenant or landlord side. VIO PLAZA The aws (approx. 5,000 sqm) and Brandl Talos Rechtsanwälte (approx. 2,400 sqm), among

Address 12., Schönbrunner Str.230 GLA 22,000 sqm

Address 9., Julius-Tandler-Platz GLA 40,000 sqm

Address 19., Muthgasse 109A GLA 3,300 sqm

Address 22., Janis-Joplin-Promenade 26 GLA 10,000 sqm


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