Office Market Report Vienna | Autumn 2024

LOOP Offices

Central Hub | TwentyOne

The visionary office building (approx. 14,200 sqm) impresses with its striking appearance and ecological design. EHL is manda- ted on a co-exclusive basis and is in the middle of the marketing process.

The striking “Central Hub” office project (approx. 50,000 sqm) is located in the middle of the up- and-coming TwentyOne business cluster. Completion is planned for the beginning of 2025. EHL has been mandated on a co-exclusive basis.


21,000 sqm 1210 Vienna


14,200 sqm 1030 Vienna



LMNT Offices

CARRÉ Muthgasse

The highly visible LMNT Offices project (approx. 19,000 sqm) is in a perfect strategic location between Vienna’s city centre and the airport and boasts a perfect price/performance ratio. EHL is mandated on a co-exclusive basis.

The prominent office building is characterised by its prestigious lobby and spacious roof terra- ce. EHL has been exclusively mandated to market one of the two components (approx. 5,700 sqm) and is in talks with several prospective tenants.


5,700 sqm 1190 Vienna


19,000 sqm 1110 Vienna



Vienna | Autumn 2024


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