EHL Jubilee magazine 30 Years

Interview: Heinz Fletzberger

Human grandeur When two people don't quite see eye to eye at first, but then become friends, that's "typical EHL". Süba board member Heinz Fletzberger on starting his ca- reer in the real estate industry.

So, the human factor again? Fletzberger: Yes, that's definitely the human aspect as well. It's always the people behind it. Michael Ehl- maier has succeeded in building up a really great man- agement level. People he has deliberately chosen work there with very similar values.

They are there?

Fletzberger: From my point of view, they are there with the above-average closeness to the customers, the strong commitment and the human qualities of each and every employee. The EHL people are just ridiculous- ly good. What is exciting is that EHL survived all the cri- ses unscathed and then grew even bigger.

Süba board member Heinz Fletzberger remembers.

How was your first contact with Michael Ehlmaier?

Fletzberger: He joined what was then CPB Immo- bilientreuhand very shortly after me. I have to admit today that there was a certain amount of competition at the beginning because we were all incredibly ambi- tious. So, at the very beginning we were rather stand- offish. Let's put it this way.

What do you mean?

Fletzberger: I have to say that it is down to Michael Ehlmaier that today's EHL reacted with lightning speed even during the difficult phase of the real estate crisis in 2007/08. For me, the fact that EHL bears the first three letters of his name has not only to do with the fact that he is Managing Partner, but that he preserved EHL at that time and even made it much bigger and more significant. He is the EHL.

But did that change at some point?

Fletzberger: Yes, of course. We soon got together, first we accepted each other, then we respected each other and finally we learned to appreciate each other professionally. Subsequently, a friendship developed. Today we meet regularly, also privately. That's one of Michael Ehlmaier's great strengths. This human aspect of him in which he approaches people and forms net- works that last for a long time.

So Süba is also an EHL customer?

Fletzberger: Same in many areas. EHL markets our rental apartments, we also work together in invest- ment and build on their assessment expertise.

Is this the USP of the EHL?

What would you wish for from the EHL?

Fletzberger: EHL has developed into the strongest brokerage brand. Behind it, in addition to professional, intensive marketing, is a hand-picked team.

Fletzberger: That everything stays the way it is right now.

Thank you for the conversation

30 YEARS I Jubilee


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