Investment property prices Yields
EUR 2,800 to 4,900/sqm 2.3 to 3.4 %
Monthly rents (net) in EUR/sqm
Apartments Offices Retail space
Ø 11.85 10.0 to 19.0
A locations B locations
The investment property market in Meidling is currently producing above-average results. Price declines are moderate, and the demand for properties in this dis- trict is sound. The district has become significantly more attractive as a residen- tial location, and high-quality new construction projects are also creating strong impulses for investment properties. 12., Meidling
Strong impulses from the wide-ranging VIO Plaza project
An impressive 23 transactions with a combined volume of roughly EUR 80 million closed during 2022. Two of the five largest transactions were located in Schönbrunner Strasse, the largest with EUR 13 million south-west of Meidling Railway Station in the Altmannsdorf area, where a proper- ty was sold by an Austrian insurance company. „The market and main street are both a motor and mirror for the upturn.“ The western part of the district is a particular fo- cus of investors‘ interest. The quality of life in these areas is particularly high due to the close proximity to Schönbrunn Palace Park, and there are a number of very good investment property ensembles. The sale of two connected properties in the upper section of Meidling by a private seller to a developer for EUR 10 million represented one of the largest deals in 2022.
Meidling has benefited less in recent years from the upturn on the investment property market than other districts west of the beltway. In con- trast, this situation has also reduced the pres- sure on prices. The current price range of EUR 2,800 to 4,900/sqm means there is practically no decline. Compared with record levels, the compa- ratively high yields of 2.3 to 3.4 per cent can be viewed as secure. Of special note are the numerous impulses re- sulting from local development projects. One highlight is the construction of the “Vio Plaza“ ad- jacent to the Meidlinger Hauptstrasse U4 under- ground station, which will include 22,000 sqm of offices, a shopping arcade, a hotel and 166 apart- ments. In the south, the distance to the Meidling Railway Station is becoming an increasingly im- portant location factor. The Meidling market and the central shopping mile along the Meidlinger Hauptstrasse are improving the local infrastruc- ture and, at the same time, reflect the gradual upgrading of Meidling as a residential district.
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