EHL Investment property report 2024 | Vienna

Data sources

The data for this EHL Investment Property Market Report was compiled by the EHL Research Department, in part with the use of basic data from IMMOunited, unless indicated otherwise. The average apartment rent by district was based on the data for new rentals in 2021 (first-time occupancy and rental of existing space) which are subject to the partial application of the Austrian Tenancy Act (“Mietrechtsgesetz”) for properties built after 1945.

Other important data (demographic data, distribution of space in the districts, in- come, population forecasts) were supplied by Municipal Department 23 (Economics, Labour and Statistics) of the City of Vienna or drawn from the Statistical Yearbook of the City of Vienna, Issue 2023. The information and forecasts in this report are made without guarantee, warranty or liability.

Cover: © PicMyPlace The digital version of the report is available at

Vienna | 2024


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