Round table
© Roland Rudolph
In conclusion, let’s take a look at the crystal ball: Where will the investment property market be in three years? Exactly where we are today, in a serious decline or back to its old strength? Tüchler: The investment property as an as- set class definitely has a secure future, and prices will be higher in three years. But as
per cent in 2025, the prices for investment property will be significantly higher than now, and there will be many more trans- actions. However, we will not experience a boom like in 2021/22 für a very long time, and that would also not be normal. Humer: When you look at the fundamen- tals, you can actually be optimistic. The demand for
only a few years ago. There will be a much greater interest in properties and every- body believing in another upturn – in other words, the same scenario we had in 2021 and 2022.
I have already said: Everything depends on the ECB and the banks. When
apartments is there, and real income has recently increased substantially in nearly all branch- es. That will make higher rents and
When you look at the fundamentals, you can actually be optimistic. - Gerhard Humer
short-term interest rates also decline and the banks resume financing for investments and development projects, then we will see an upturn. Schmidt: I share your opinion and believe the first ECB interest rate cut will have a far greater psychological effect than 0.25 or 0.5 percentage points of real savings in financing costs. It will mark the starting point, and investors who are currently shopping around will actually start to buy. I think the Euribor will stand at roughly 2.5
condominiums more easily affordable again – and will also have a positive influence on the investment property market Pöltl: I am very cautious with forecasts beyond a period of two or three years. The real estate market is and will remain strongly cyclical. I would rather predict that the next cyclical high – in roughly ten years – will bring a market where we wonder how inexpensive everything was
Investment Property Report
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