First Vienna Residential Market Report | 2021



ORGANIC AND HIP 1070 NEUBAU A DIVERSE RANGE OF ATTRACTIONS and first-class infra- structure dominate in Neubau, making it as popular as ever as a residential area. Demand for housing is especially high around the Museumsquartier and Neubaugasse hotspots. Even so, a stroll through the

district reveals the decreasing attractiveness of the area towards the Vienna Beltway. The Seventh District currently only has a few smaller projects with the exception of a development for around a hundred and eighty apartments in the planned expansion to the former Sophienspital hospital. ×

U Thaliastraße

U Volkstheater


Muse- ums- quartier


U Burggasse-Stadthalle

Neubaugasse Lindengasse

Mariahilfer Straße


U Neubaugasse

U Zieglergasse

U Westbahnhof


SPECIAL FEATURES OF DISTRICT The Seventh District is considered to be the hippest in the city. From the lat- est in restaurant concepts and fashionable design studios on Neubaugasse to studio openings and off-theatre productions, this is where the hottest trends are set. Neubau not only has culinary diversity with a wide range of sustainable and organic delights, but also a thriving cultural scene in a highly concentrated format. The Museumsquartier, or MQ, on ninety thousand square metres in the former court stables is Vienna’s epicentre for the performing arts, archi- tecture, music, fashion, theatre, dance, and literature – its location alone makes it an extremely popular place to meet.

The neighbouring Volkstheater is one of the country’s major theatre halls, and is also one of the first attractions to be found on entering the district. Three Sinus-Milieus ® feel especially at home with this range of attractions: Postmaterialists, High Achievers, and Digital Individualists. Neubau has relatively little green space at 2.3 percent, but the diverse archi- tecture is all the more intoxicating. The district ranges from village-like Spittel- berg with its characteristic Biedermeier houses to the uptown Wilhelminian style on Mariahilfer Straße and the modern architecture of the main library on the Neubau Beltway, a building with a design abstractly based on a ship, 150 metres in length, featuring the largest flight of stairs in Vienna.

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