Center Management
The sustainable road to success
Georg Burgstaller, MA
Head of Asset Management EHL Gewerbeimmobilien GmbH
Legal requirements can be met minimally or comprehensively. When introducing ESG cri- teria, shopping centres and retail parks are well advised not to focus on the minimum
Greening: The (also subsequent) greening of exterior areas increases the aesthetic value of the surrounding area, creates a place for shelter, improves the microclimate, reduces
the acceptance of a centre with political decision makers.
E-charging stations: Even though the advance of e-mobility has slowed, e-charging stations and the possibility for customers to easily charge their vehicles while shopping will soon be a decisive factor for the competitiveness and attractiveness of a location. With these and – depending on local condi- tions – other sustainability measures, center management can make shopping centres and retail parks more attractive, future-safe and efficient. In the end, these factors will strengthen the competitive position of the facilities and provide significant benefits for visitors as well as owners.
standards but to actively pursues these activities as highly efficient investments for cost reduction and quality improvements. Three measures here are decisive for good, future-oriented center management. Solar panels: Using suitable roof- top and facade areas to generate electricity is an economic must to- day. Operating costs are reduced,
Environmental and climate protection in center manage- ment makes a decisive contribution to cost reduction and increases the attractive- ness of the property.
the generated energy is almost always less expensive than purchased energy, and this equipment is visible proof of sustainability.
air conditioning costs and encourage visitors to remain longer. As a measure to counter ground sealing, it also increases
Reference projects: Center management
Center Alterlaa
Arena Mattersburg
The Center Alterlaa with shops like Interspar, Libro, dm, Deich- mann etc. is an important local supplier for the 23rd district and can be easily reached by car and the U6 underground line
The Arena Mattersburg with 18,000 sqm of retail space in 30 outlets is the district’s most im- portant shopping centre. EHL has been responsible for manage- ment since 2021.
Total space Customer
18,700 sqm
Total space Customer
18,000 sqm
Austria | 2024/25
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